Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Kids say the Weirdest THINGS.

Victor has got to be one of the pickiest eaters I have ever met. I do the family trick that everything is better with ketchup. Almost every meal includes that on his plate. Lately we have not been letting the kids finickiness dictate what we have for dinner. Lets face it chicken can get very boring and hot dogs are not all that healthy. Well I have been making lots of new dishes and just asking Victor to try a bite if he wants more of something else that we are having. Like tonight I made burritos but we had mac-n-cheese on the side. So for a second helping of mac-n-cheese we made him take two bites of his burrito. I wish I could understand him!! His new thing to say is "Well it tastes good, but I still don't like it." If it tastes good why doesn't he like it??? All I can say is that it is better than his old trick of making himself puke without ever having the food pass his lips. He was so cute last week, we were on our way to the library and we started to talk all about school and his friends from school because I had been there working at the book fair. We talked for a while then I asked him "who did he have a crush on?" "No one.", he says. "Why not?", I asked. "Because I haven't gone on my mission yet!! DUH!" Now if I can keep him that innocent and sweet till he is 30. The funniest thing I think he has ever said happened one day when we were in the car. I wish I could remember where we were going. Probably to run errands. Kel and I for some reason were talking about places that Victor might serve his mission. One of the last places we mentioned was England. Victor decides then to chime in from the back seat, he goes " I don't want to go to England, they speak English their and I don't." We both just looked at each other, "Okay" I say, "I'll bite. If you don't speak English what do you speak?" "I speak PEOPLE!" He said. We laughed so hard for the rest of the day and still josh him about it.
Best part of my day today was after Rowan came home we were cleaning in the living room. She went to go upstairs to put away the books she got for Easter. Well as she is going up stairs I start to fold up her princess table so we could vacuum. Man O man did she throw a fit when her dad didn't give in and set it back up. She came running to me crying. I told her to just sit on the couch while we vacuumed and then she could have her table back. So she pouts and sits down. I am doing something and Kel asks her a question and she wouldn't answer him. He asked her "are you not speaking to me now?" She says "yup!" He asks her something else and she doesn't answer. I ask her something and she looks at me and answers me. I thought Kel was going to cry!! PRICELESS!!!!! So he runs up stairs and gets her slinky and brings it down to her. Then he lets her have chocolate!! My o my she is dad's little girl that one. I can't complain cuz I am a fool for Vic.

Best Week Ever!!

Well I hope that everyone had a great week!! Mine was crazy busy but awesome!! Sunday I got a new calling. I was released from YW and I am now 2nd Councilor in the Relief Society. It was hard to do to leave YW, after 5 years. I kept telling Kel that even though I knew it was right, I would have felt better with a hug from Afton or Colleen prior to the sustaining. I was proud of myself for being able to keep the secret all week from Afton. That was the hardest part of the whole thing!!! Monday and Tuesday I worked at the book fair at Victor's school!! I love being able to see him during the day!! Funny enough though I get better greetings from Nate than him. Nate smiles, waves, and jumps up and down! Victor was better this time I got a hug each time he saw me. Fast and quiet, but still a hug and he came home and told me how great it was to see me during his day. I had my first Relief Society Presidency Meeting on Tuesday. That was fun. I have a lot to learn! I am really looking forward to this new experience.
Wednesday was THE BEST DAY EVER!!! I dropped the kids off to school and then drove out to Wallingford to meet 3 of my dad's Sisters for the first time. I met my Aunt Gerry, my Aunt Beeeee-e and my Auntie Liz. We had a wonderful visit. I learned about my dad and now have two pictures of him on my TV that I stop and look at all the time. I got to know them and told them a lot about me. I see that I take after my dad's side a lot, not only in looks but in personality. HA HA I always knew it was genetics and not learned! I get misty eyed often over all of this but it is all so much like a dream like now that it is just slowly beginning to sink in.
Thursday was my first RS function. It was an awesome birthday party and I am going to love working in this new calling. Friday we let the kids stay up extra late watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. We told them to let mom and dad sleep in and not to disturb us. We forgot that the Easter Bunny comes that night. So much for sleeping in!!! Victor was in our bed at 7:30 with his basket. Look what the Easter Bunny brought!! Then he woke up his sister with the commotion and that was it for trying to sleep in!!!! HOW COULD WE FORGET?!?! TALENT!!
The rest of Saturday was good. The boys went comic book shopping and we girls stayed home and played beauty shop / dress up. Sunday was my first day in Relief Society. I had to conduct the music. Boy I have to really practice that!!! I also figured out with all the special Sundays the next time we have RS meeting on Sunday I am all alone conducting the meeting. PRAY for me!! I wasn't this nervous about my new calling before I actually got in there. It was realizing that I was not suppose to go into the YW room after Sunday School that set my world on tilt. Then we went out with the motley crew that is mom's family. I thought it was a great idea. I found the place made the reservations. I set the gathering into motion. I concede that all was not perfect. They sat us in a bad spot. It was the first time that they were doing an Easter brunch and the first seating ran long but I had some good food. Next time I think I will just keep my mouth closed and see if anyone else steps up and can do it better. Best part was the two hour nap that I got when we got home!!!
Well after being out of the house for two weeks straight I promised my hubby I would stay home most of the week. SO I will be posting a few pics and stories this week. Hope you are all well!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Actually I am the Lucky ONE

So We saw these shirts and Just had to have them. We love to read the funny shirts but most we find funny aren't really appropriate for school and stuff but when we saw a rack for St. Patrick Day and me being a sucker for all things Irish we fell in love and to have them in sizes for both of them it was a must have!! My family thinks I am crazy!! I don't know about the rest of you but in my oven is pan with cabbage, potatoes and Corned Beef!! I only make it on St. Patrick's Day but I love it!! We are Irish on Big Grandma's mothers side. If Rowan had been a boy we really wanted to name her Seamus but that was very unpopular with my family. So unpopular my mom threatened she would get a dog and name it Seamus as it is in her mind a dogs name. It didn't matter that one of the kids in Victor's preschool was named that. They hated it!! I actually brought the baby name book to the hospital because we had nothing if she was a boy. If she had been in the end we probably would have named her Brennan after Big Grandma's Family. The thing that would have made this picture complete was if I could find the hats that I got them last year for St. Patrick's day. They were Cat in the Hat but green!!! I guess it isn't so hard to figure out why Victor's favorite color is green. When we went back to school shopping this year I told Vic that he was old enough to pick out his clothes cause I didn't want any arguments in the morning. Well I have to tell you that just about all the shirts I purchased for him that day were some shade of green. When I was little I remember one St. Patrick' Day that my Grandpa picked me up from school and I was horrified that he wasn't wearing green. I asked "Grandpa where is your green it's St. Patrick's Day!!" He said "It is? Well then I should be wearing Orange because I am Danish not Irish." I think of that every St. Patrick's Day, as a matter of fact I almost but orange barrettes in Row's hair as an homage to him today. I wonder what he would have thought of my little leprechauns if he was still with us?

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Girl who didn't talk!

Rowan used to not talk. I was worried and everyone told me I was being foolish!! A worry wort of a mum. Well as it turned out I was right!!!! She had hearing loss in both ears and was behind. I say had and was because in Dec. she got bilateral ear tubes and the change has been mind blowing. Now we just wish we could get her to be quiet once in a while. You know how it is you can't wait for them to say their first word then they become chatter boxes. Well we had her parent teacher conference and she is doing very good. If we could get her potty trained we would be past worring about her progress.

Well she had a play date over with Annalynn today. They had gym class at 9 then they wanted to stay together and since Auntie Afton was going to watch her for conference I left her there till after the meeting. Well when we got there we were delighted to find out she had asked to go potty and she pooped!!!! YEAH!! Now if that had been the only story!! Nope! Aparently while playing she must have got something on her head because all of the sudden Afton heard "SH** My Hair!" I say no more 'Ghostbusters'!! I don't remember all the inapprobrate language but ever since we gave them the movies for Valentines Day we have been shocked. Rowan of course LOVES them and insistes in watching them everyday. She even named her new webkin dog Slimer. That girl walks to her own drum!!!!

Mom Gets Computer Savy!

Well Now I feel like a modern mommy. Here I am creating a blog and making posts. I don't know where to start. Should I start with all the recent goings on or go back and tell all my best mommy stories so you can get to know my kids. Then I could always start by telling you a little about me so that my future posts make more sense. I guess I will start with a little about me. I am the oldest of 3 kids. I have a brother, Jared who is 26, and a Sister Sarah (always w/ an H) who will be 24 in less than a month. I am Jessica 34 (note the age difference) and My Hubby is Kelton also 34. We will be married for 12yrs this July! We have two beautiful and wonderful gifts from our Heavenly Father, a son Victor James Leigh Wilson who is 7 going on 15, and a daughter Rowan Jenna Lorelai Wilson who is 3. The 4 of us are LDS (Mormon). My husband was born and raised in The Church and I am a convert for just over 12yrs officially but 13yrs from I when I heard and knew I had found what I was looking for. My son will be baptised this September when he is 8. We are very active in The Church and with our friends from Church. I will post my conversion story and testimony later but I think it is important to explain this about us as it is a huge part of who we are and how we live and what we feel is important in life. I have a mom Paula and dad Allen, they will be known as grandma and grandpa in later posts. I have my in laws Pam and Val who we call Grammy Pammy and Grampa Val. My mom's mom is Big Grandma. The other family member who will likely be a recurring person in my posts is Aunt Lori who is my mom's youngest sister, she has 2 other sisters and 2 brothers. But Lori is a cross between Second Mom and Best Friend. I guess to round out the crew you will be hearing most about I need to tell you about my best friend Afton and her Hubby Jonathan. They are the members of our Church that live closest to us and our kids are best friends. Victor and Nathan are one week apart and have been buds since they were 2. Rowan and Annalynn are 6 weeks apart and act more like sisters than friends. They also have Evan who will be 1 in a week, and I am sorry to say but Auntie Jessica wasn't ready for another so he is odd dude out. I think that is everyone who will be regulars most often. I will introduce all other guests as they appear.