Monday, July 28, 2008

Camp Joseph

We had the opportunity to go with some of the families in our ward up to Sharon, VT to go camping. The Church owns 400 acres there around the birth place of the Prophet Joseph. It is a beautiful place and we had a good time!! With Victor's baptism fast approaching I tried to instill some appreciation for where we were and for all that he has because of the faith and strength of the Prophet. My son is a little to much like his father to know whether or not it worked. We were the first ones to arrive in Friday and set up our tent and unpacked and then made the adventure of finding a grocery store. Note to all readers don't Google grocery store in VT. I refused to even get out and check the store that I had found directions to. My highly amused hubby dragged his laughing self in and came back with directions to a Shaws. MY HERO! Saturday we went a little further north and went to Ben and Jerry's, then the Cabot store, and to Cold Creek Mill. We had a BALL! The kids were great. On Sunday the ward there doesn't start till 10am so after we got dressed and ate we headed up to the Monument and drove in the woods to see the foundations of the older homes. Victor wanted to know where the rest of the houses were, because the foundations were so small. We had to tell him that they only slept and ate there because they had a farm to run. No room to play with a Wii we assured him. Over all we had a really good time and can't wait to go again.
Happy campers after stopping for a delicious Lunch!

Victor after giving mom moral support to mom as she started the camp fire. And Rowan tired from travel got in her jammies early the first night.

YES!! Our version of MECCA, the place where they make our favorite ice cream!!
And two very happy kids after free ice cream!!

What do Crazy Parents do? Buy ice cream cones after free samples!!!

Pretending to be our hero's!!

We had a hard time getting Rowan to leave Ben and Jerry's but thankfully Cheese is even more popular with her (she is her Daddy's girl)! This cut out cow stopped the tears and the kids couldn't wait to pretend to be cows and have their pictures taken to show Grandma!!

Not a real surprise that their was yet another cow at the cider shop. They agreed to this only after they were promised to have pics of themselves alone with the cow! I prefered the apple cut outs and Vic had me take his picture from each apple that opened before he would let his sister in on one!

We wish our ward didn't start till 10!! It gave us a chance to sit around the monument and talk about the Prophet before sacrament meeting. We also drove around the trails and checked out the foundations for the Soloman Mack and Daniel G. Mack homes.

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