Rowan used to not talk. I was worried and everyone told me I was being foolish!! A worry wort of a mum. Well as it turned out I was right!!!! She had hearing loss in both ears and was behind. I say had and was because in Dec. she got bilateral ear tubes and the change has been mind blowing. Now we just wish we could get her to be quiet once in a while. You know how it is you can't wait for them to say their first word then they become chatter boxes. Well we had her parent teacher conference and she is doing very good. If we could get her potty trained we would be past worring about her progress.
Well she had a play date over with Annalynn today. They had gym class at 9 then they wanted to stay together and since Auntie Afton was going to watch her for conference I left her there till after the meeting. Well when we got there we were delighted to find out she had asked to go potty and she pooped!!!! YEAH!! Now if that had been the only story!! Nope! Aparently while playing she must have got something on her head because all of the sudden Afton heard "SH** My Hair!" I say no more 'Ghostbusters'!! I don't remember all the inapprobrate language but ever since we gave them the movies for Valentines Day we have been shocked. Rowan of course LOVES them and insistes in watching them everyday. She even named her new webkin dog Slimer. That girl walks to her own drum!!!!
Jessie, I am so impressed! What cute pictures of the kids!!!! I love to catch up with your news. I proud you knew about Rowan's talking--always trust your instincts--I would say you have incredible momma instincts. love Jen Lertwachara
Jessica - I love this! I thought I knew you but know I can really KNOW you. Just want to say that the Cranium game is awesome and has taken over our apartment as the newest and best-est noise making toy.
Yah for Rowan!
Hugs from utah! Kristi
So glad you are a blogger now! Rowan is my second favorite three-year-old. So glad Annalynn has such a cute and fun Wilson for a best friend, just like me!
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