Monday, December 22, 2008

Left me in Stitches!!

So the other night I was working on sewing patches on Victor's Cub Scout Shirt when he came over to inspect my work. "Mom" he asked, "do boys have to learn how to sew?" I told him yes, that while he didn't need to learn to sew just yet, he would have to learn to sew someday. Why? Well what if when he is on his mission he needs to fix a button or a small rip in his shirt or suit? What was my son's answer to such a problem as this? "Can't I just have my companion do it?" When I was done laughing and gained my composure I said no that wasn't how it worked. "What if his companion had the same idea and neither of them learned how to sew?" I think my laughing had done him in and the conversation was over. However the Missionaries just happened to be coming over the next night and after I asked their opinion of the situation they both shared with him their own sewing needs. I hope that he now understands the importance of learning to be prepared to meet his own needs.

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