As soon as the weather got good this year we decided that it would be a good idea with the price of gas if we arranged a place for the kids to play in the back yard. We laid down some weed guard and got the kids sandbox and pool from my mom's house, then crafty mommy made a chalkboard to hang on the side of the deck. Well it has been a hit!! Rowan has spent many many hours out there which allowed mommy to get things done. We had our friends the Corless two kids for a play date so there mom could pack in peace. Then there was the week were the Seal kids came to wait for their new sister. Annalynn even said that the sand box was the best part of coming to our house.
Victor in the pool with Colin and Layla
Rowan and Colin in the sand box!!
Rowan the model!
Fun with the Corless's in the pool.
Evan Loved the little climber and he was really good at it.
One evening Rowan wanted to go out and play so bad she put one of her swim suits on over her clothes!!!