Saturday, December 31, 2011

December/ Good BYE 2011

 December finally arrived and it couldn't have come soon enough for me. It began with one of the things we enjoy the most, Lego Kidsfest.

Working on parts of the Mystery Mosaic.

this year was famous paintings

I would LOVE to hang this in our house!

They must have made the Hartford skyline earlier in the weekend.

Building pieces for the Build Across America display

Victors piece of America

Dad's piece of America

Rowan's piece of America

Saw Santa

Rowan had to meet the snakes

Thought she was going to try and take this one home

Victor had to have his pic with all the ninjas

Easily Rowan's favorite part was the huge pile of legos to play in

Mom's favorite part was the life size Lightning McQueen!!

Rowan got ate by a shark

Victor got held up by a bounty hunter

We hung out with some friends

Kelton thought he ran into someone he knew

Gave directions to a pirate

Our challenge was to build a bridge

No surprise the sensory kid had to visit the pile again

Victor is a little disappointed that his Hogwarts set isn't this big

 Because we can never have to many legos in our life we also did the Star Wars Lego Advent calendar. With two kids we had to do a second advent calendar so they could take turns, which was numbered slippers hanging on the railing filled with candy.
Don't really see the Christmas in this but the boys were excited

Victor so excited to open Day 1

Rowan did a real good job on her days



The kids were very excited to set up the tree and for Christmas to happen. We visited with family and had a nice holiday!

dad and Victor working hard

Rowan goofing around

Zoey just chilling in her chair taking it all in

Kids did a heck of a job of course then we had to move up the ornaments up because of the puppy

After Church on Christmas day

     I almost got Christmas cards sent to everyone. It took weeks but I had the best of intentions when I took the picture for the card in October, we had snow on the ground after all.

      One of the best things that happened in December was Kelton working extra hard to go through things and find me my dishes.
I have never been so happy to see a sink full of dishes!!
 I also felt very vindicated when we saw the cut outs for the new Lego series. I insisted on adding a golden lasso to Rowan's Halloween costume and Kel snickered at me, but see even Lego thinks it is important!!

       Well I would love to say that 2011 went by quick but I have been waiting for today since last January. Nothing went as planned this year and it was a heck of a ride! We lost my pepere, my uncle and my grandma. We took a wonderful vacation to Maine. We adopted a puppy. We lived with my parents for a very long 14wks. Lost one house and were blessed with another. We left our old ward after 24 yrs for Kel and 15 yrs for me, moved to one we really liked then end up at a different ward completely. We survived a blizzard, earthquake(We didn't feel), a hurricane and an early(OCTOBER) snow storm. We lived for 17 days without power. We paid respect to friends we lost and watched other friends get married. We also reconnected with Kelton's old friends at his 20th High School Reunion. We celebrated with family and we mourned with them. I am not sorry to see 2011 come to end.
            We wish you all a Very Happy New Year. May it be filled with Blessings and Peace!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

This makes me miss you tons! Glad to see you guys having so much fun!