Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rowan turns 4!!

Well the baby isn't so much a baby any more. This November she turned 4. What a difference a year makes. To think that last year she barely talked and was still such a baby in many ways. She has grown a lot and has come close to catching up to where she should be. I requested a PPT but they didn't find anything but did confirm that she still has some sensory issues we need to help her with. The ear tubes however has made a huge change in her. We have to be careful that there isn't anything to loud around her and she has ear muffs that we bring to public events. However she talks a lot more and while she is still wary in some situations she is more vocal when she feels comfortable. It has been awesome to see her bloom. She really enjoyed Halloween this year, I mean who else but a little chocolate nut could find sheer joy in knocking on peoples door and have them give you candy!!
So a little about her. Her favorite color is usually pink but every so often it is purple. She loves her fairy collection. Her favorite food is strawberries, but whip topping is a very close second. She also never turns down anything chocolate. She has finally hit the stage where she gets obsessed with a movies and I am forced to watch the some movie and hear the same songs and lines over and over and over and over again. Currently it is Hercules, and honestly I am very ready to ship it back to Netflix!!! The sad part is that we own it on VHS but she doesn't get it. We have always had dvd's with Rowan so those she knows and knows how to but them in and work the player. The VCR how ever is hooked up in the play room and that whole rewind thing is just to much for her patience. Oh how the world has changed!! She still loves to do puzzles and she is improving on learning how to play games as long as she wins. She loves to call herself daddy's little girl. She amazes me at how well she can surf the web and play on the computer. She still loves her gymnastics class. She loves to ride her bike. I am very thankful that she is still a total snuggle bug. She insisted that she was going to read her own birthday cards this year, and each and every one of them said "Happy Birthday to Rowan". She loves school and her teacher Martha. She loves to draw, color and paint. She is currently very into photos. Her favorite place to go is to her grandma Paula's house.

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