Well if I thought I felt old before I sure wasn't prepared for today. For today is the first official day as the mother of a teenager. How this happened so fast I really can't say, it seems like just yesterday the doctor was laying a baby on my tummy and announcing "It's a Boy!" I have to admit that the first moment of motherhood felt the best, the sweet bliss of finally not being pregnant after a week plus of false labor and the actual final 15 hours of labor. Of course that was quickly followed by postpartum, thank heavens we survived that, but it was on to the never end of worry and anxiety that is being a mom.
While parenthood isn't easy it is fulfilling. I could not have asked for more wonderful kids and I am being 1000% honest when I say they came this way and we thankfully just haven't messed them up despite being far from perfect parents. We have done our best and so far that has seemed to work.
SO what about the kid that is sending us down this path for the next 11 years?
Victor is just as cute today on his 13th Birthday as he was on his first(pictured above). His favorite color is still green yet he still dislikes eating anything that color. Those big brown eyes are still able to melt his mommy's heart. We could in no way have asked or hoped for a better son. He is the same kind and gentile kid he has always been. He still loves Lego's and playing pretend. Getting him to smile isn't as easy as it used to be but I am hoping once the braces come off he will be a less sulky teenager. I am grateful he accepts his mom need to put a camera in his face, and hope he forgives any of the following pictures he finds embarrassing! I am proud that he embraces the geek we have turned him into. I am glad that we can share stuff with him and that he finds it cool. I will admit that I never wanted to be a lame parent. When he would only listen to kiddy music I will say I was scared. He loves board games as much as me. He likes to read. He is amazing when it comes to willingness to do service for others, as long as it isn't at home, cause then it's work. He finds school easy and we couldn't be happier about his willingness to be challenged, I don't know I would have wanted to take High School classes early. Thankfully he eats more than the hot dog, chicken nugget, grilled cheese phase, but to bad we can't sell him on sushi! But then again he eats things I wouldn't, I mean fish sticks in custard REALLY?!? We made him an even bigger nerd this summer by introducing him to Doctor Who, Magic the Gathering, and Sherlock. He loves scouts and going to scout camp. He is what they call an old soul, so serious most of the time but we have felt the teenager setting in and he still enjoys tormenting his sister. He is amused at being the tallest in the house. He isn't perfect and it's not always easy to be the parent of such a smart child.
He is however an AMAZING person and we are PROUD to be his parents.
Oh Victor, we love you! May the next 5 years not fly by like the last 13, for before we know it you'll be turning in your mission papers and off you will go. Oh and the place you will go and the adventures you will have. We are blessed to be your parents and we will always be there to cheer you on, for we know that you can accomplish anything you set out to do or any goal you set for yourself! You ROCK dude.