Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Board Games Anyone!!!!

Most of our friends know that we are big gamers. The kids have always had their own set of games that they could play but we have tried to keep most of the nicer ones out of their reach, Rowan has a bit of a reputation to ruin them. However she has been getting a lot better about that. Actually it was her desire to play the same game everyday for two weeks straight that started the new board game fest that has been going on around here. The game was Guess Who Disney edition. Now she isn't great at playing it correctly because well thinking of questions to ask to narrow it down is a little hard. Astonishingly though she did manage to memorize where everyone is locate on each game board. Her father actually tried to switch the placement of one the characters and she spotted right off and made him fix it.

The really funny thing was that I have started to teach Victor how to play some of the grown up games. We have played game he knew like Checkers, Uno and Jenga, but then started some new ones like Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly and Life. It was really cute the night that we played Monopoly. Daddy was at work so Rowan was only really allowed to watch. She really wanted to play with us so we let her choose a token and occasionally roll the dice. She really wanted $40, but she was so cute she would roll the dice then move in any direction she wanted. Every so often she would move to the Electric Company and go "Look I have an idea!" This would crack us up. She would change her token and willingly go to jail every once in a while. Poor Victor after two days he gave up on Monopoly even though he was doing well, but he won Life. This week has been Candyland or Canny Lane as Rowan calls it. Getting her to not cheat is an issue but she has been pretty good.

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