Sunday, May 08, 2011


The last quarter of 2010 had me looking forward to New Years. I wish I could say that turning the page to 2011 had brought with it more than a desire for a Fast Forward button. There have been times when things have gotten me down so much that I do not feel like my Heavenly Father likes me and I beat myself up trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. Tears have been shed and I have had long talks with some of the people closest to me sharing these doubts and going over things. To those that have listened and helped I thank you.

But there are truly just two things that seem to keep me going and help me remember that I must be doing something right.
The fact that my Heavenly Father trusts me with two of his amazing and special Spirits is humbling. The fact that people tell me all the time that I am doing a great job raising them and that I should be proud of them leaves me amazed. I take no credit for how awesome they are, I say thanks but they came to me that way and I just haven't messed them up yet. They are two of the kindest, loving and gentlest souls I have ever met. They have no sibling rivalry and have a great relationship. They love and support each other through thick and thin. They both know how loved they are and share everything with us.
I am thankful for a wonderful husband that takes care of us. We make these two our top priorities. We would rather have a family fun night than a date night and we like to surprise them by doing things we know they like. What they want is just as important as what we want.
They achieve great things because we support them not because we push them or do it for them. We compare them to no one but themselves. We have taught them to not to care or worry about what anyone else is doing but to make sure they are always trying their best. They know that awards are a pat on the back not about who is better and to never boast. They don't keep track of what others got that they didn't. They always say congratulations and never ask what about me.
For all that we have taught them they have taught us ten times that. For all the love we have given them they have returned it a hundred times more.
When I look into their eyes I know my Heavenly Father loves me! For this perspective and this opportunity to know them I feel blessed. Because of them I can get though the hard stuff and feel better about things. Because of them I know I am doing something right when all the rest of the world seems wrong. Because of them I get to be a Mother.

Thank you Heavenly Father. Thank you Victor and Rowan. To you I owe my happiness this day and everyday!!